Tools for MS-DOS and UN*X

AMASTER V3.10g (Tue, 25 Jan 2005)

AMASTER written by Piotr Winiarczyk is an universe master program for
PHOST3/PHOST4 and probably TimHost, too. It creates a map, fixes
it, generates wormholes and finally creates universe data.
AMASTER implements a clever way to find suitable
homeworld locations. It is possible to
create maps of any given shape
AMASTER is an open source application.

Online help: amaster.html  


Choose V1.0

Choose written by Piotr Winiarczyk is a nifty tool for
finding optimal race assignments. This is a solution
for the problem "who plays which race".
Choose is an open source application.



LogVPI V1.3.3 (Thu, 30 May 2002)

The hostside utility LogVPI by Heiko Schlenker for the Portable
Host Project (PHOST3/PHOST4) writes VGA Player Index (VPI)
status informations to a log file. This program is
meant to be executed after each host run.
LogVPI is an open source application.

For developers: CVS repository at


Overlord V2.00.00 (Fri, 5 Jul 2002)

Overlord written by Brad Doucette is a Windows based, host side utility
for VGA Planets games. It was written to assist a person in hosting
a VGA Planets game. It has the ability to ADD, DELETE, and
MODIFY just about everything associated with VGAP.


Portable Editor for VGA-Planets host data (PEdit) V1.3 (Sun, 23 Mar 2003)

Using PEdit written by Piotr Winiarczyk you can edit host data files like
hullspec.dat, truehull.dat, engspec.dat, beamspec.dat, torpspec.dat,
planet.nm, race.nm, xydata.dat, pdata.hst and mines.hst.
Support for editing bdata.hst, ship.hst, auxdata.hst
is still missing. Penquin ship editor files
can be read.
PEdit is an open source application.



The Plangineer V1.0

The Plangineer written by Michael Herrmann is a powerful
tool for manipulating VGA Planets host data.
It's an MS-DOS application.

Online help: plangineer.html


PlanSpy V2.02

PlanSpy written by Michael Herrmann is a 'plugin' for Planets.exe.
It is installed as a background tool in the memory of your
computer and can be activated by pressing a hotkey.
It's an MS-DOS application.

Online help: planspy.html


Phost Queue Editor (PQueueEd) V1.1a (Sun, 23 Mar 2003)

PQueueEd written by Piotr Winiarczyk is a basic ship build queue editor
for PHost3/PHost4. You can use it to create a listing of build
queue entries, to modify the priority of one or several
ship build orders or to sort the build queue.
PQueueEd is an open source application.



PTaxSim V0.9b (Sat, 9 Aug 2003)

PTaxSim written by Piotr Winiarczyk is a VGA Planets economy simulator.
It's main purpose is to test the taxation of a planet. This program
is designed to make it easier to plan your economy.
PTaxSim is an open source application.



Show V0.8 (Sun, 25 Mar 2001)

Show written by Piotr Winiarczyk is a planet and ship viewer
inspired by VPA. Show is an open source application.
It uses the GRX graphics library.



  Last Modified: 10-Jul-2005