
This table lists all possible arguments to the `Cfg(xx)' function. The first column contains the key parameter (first argument to `Cfg'). These keys are the same as those in PCONFIG.SRC, PHost's configuration file. PCC supports all HConfig values, but not all PConfig keys.

Types are

When the type is followed by `()', you can pass a second argument to `Cfg' to access that player's value. Some items are presented as per-player settable items in PCC though they are not in PHost, but that should not disturb anyone.

Entries marked with an asterisk are only available in PHost games, and yield EMPTY for THost.

AllowAdvancedRefineryBoolTurns on/off the Aries Advanced Alchemy device.
AllowAlchemyBoolTurns on/off Alchemy ships.
AllowAlliedChunnelingBool *If enabled, a chunnel can be enabled to allied ships, not only to own ships.
AllowAlternativeCombatBool() *Switches between two combat formula sets. The right choice depends upon the ship list used, i.e., using a THost ship list with alternative combat will usually give bad results.
AllowAlternativeTowingBool *If enabled, towing happens according to tow strength rules. If disabled, PHost uses the same algorithm as Host.
AllowAnonymousMessagesBool *(PHost 4.0) Turns on/off the "rumour" command, and the "*w*" function to send anonymous messages. This is an alternate name for CPEnableRumor.
AllowAntiCloakShipsBoolTurns on/off the Loki Anti-Cloak device.
AllowBeamUpClansBool *If enabled, you can beam up colonists using the "Beam up clans" mission and/or "Beam up multiple"
AllowBeamUpMultipleBool *Enables the "beam up multiple" mission and the corresponding "beamup" command. PCC handles this transparently in the cargo transfer screen.
AllowBioscannersBoolTurns on/off Bioscanners.
AllowBoardingPartiesBoolTurns on/off the Privateer/Crystal ability to capture fuelless ships by towing them.
AllowChunnelingBoolTurns on/off the Firecloud Chunnel device.
AllowCloakedShipsAttackBoolIf enabled, cloaked ships can attack uncloaked ships, but stay cloaked.
AllowColoniesSweepWebsBoolIf enabled, the Colonies can also sweep Web mines using fighters.
AllowDeluxeSuperSpyBoolTurns on/off the "Deluxe" part of the Bird Super Spy mission (friendly code changing).
AllowEatingSuppliesBoolIf enabled, colonists will eat supplies in order to survive extreme climate. If disabled, they will die.
AllowEngineShieldBonusBoolTurns on/off the Engine Shield Bonus.
AllowESBonusAgainstPlanetsBool *If enabled, ships get the engine/shield bonus also when fighting against planets.
AllowExtendedMissionsBool *Turns on/off PHost's extended missions.
AllowFedCombatBonusBoolIf enabled, Fed ships get various bonuses in combat.
AllowGamblingShipsBoolTurns on/off the Lady Royale gambling function.
AllowGloryDeviceBoolTurns on/off Glory Device ships.
AllowGravityWellsBoolTurns on/off gravity wells around planets.
AllowHissBoolTurns on/off the Lizard Hisssss mission.
AllowHyperwarpsBoolTurns on/off Hyperjumping ("HYP" friendly code).
AllowImperialAssaultBoolTurns on/off the Super Star Destroyer Imperial Assault function.
AllowMeteorMessagesBoolIf enabled, all players will get a message if a large meteor hits a planet.
AllowMineFieldsBoolTurns on/off deep space mines fields.
AllowMinesDestroyMinesBoolIf enabled, overlapping mine fields destroy each other.
AllowMinesDestroyWebsBoolIf enabled, overlapping mine fields destroy each other, even if one of them is a Web mine field. Note that enabling this sort-of devalues Web mines.
AllowNewNativesBoolIf enabled, new native settlements will be discovered on colonized planets from time to time.
AllowNoFuelMovementBoolIf enabled, ships can move for small distances if they don't have fuel.
AllowOneEngineTowingBoolSpecifies whether ships with only one engine can tow other ships.
AllowPlanetAttacksBoolIf enabled, planets can attack ships using the "ATT" and "NUK" friendly codes.
AllowPlayerMessagesBool *Turns on/off player messages. If disabled, all messages you send to other players will be discarded.
AllowRebelGroundAttackBoolTurns on/off the Rebel Ground Attack mission.
AllowRegisteredFunctionsBool *If disabled, all players are forced to use only unregistered functions.
AllowScienceMissionsBoolTurns on/off Terraforming ships.
AllowShipCloningBoolIf enabled, ship cloning ("cln" friendly code) will work.
AllowSuperRefitBoolTurns on/off the Fed Super Refit mission.
AllowVPAFeaturesBool(THost only) If enabled, some restrictions will be weakened to allow features of popular 3rd party clients (VPA, PCC) to be used. This includes the ability to intercept distant ships, and to transfer more cargo than fits in the cargo holds. The latter is enabled by default in PHost and earlier THosts.
AllowWebMinesBoolTurns on/off Crystal Web Mines.
AllowWraparoundMapBool *Turns on/off the wraparound (sphere) map. If enabled, ships leaving the map at the left will re-appear on the right side, and so on.
BaseFighterCostCost() *Cost of a fighter when built at a starbase.
BaseTechCostInt() *Tech upgrade cost multiplier. This value contains the cost of upgrading from Tech 1 to Tech 2; all other values scale accordingly.
BayLaunchIntervalInt() *Specifies the minimum time between two fighter launches.
BayRechargeBonusInt() *Specifies how the number of fighter bays reduces the time bays need to get ready for the next launch. The larger the value, the faster.
BayRechargeRateInt() *Specifies how fast fighter bays get ready for the next launch. The larger the value, the faster.
BeamFiringRangeLong() *The opponents will not use beams against each other unless they are less than this distance (in meters) apart.
BeamHitBonusInt() *Specifies how beam tech increases the hit chance.
BeamHitFighterChargeInt() *Specifies the minimum energy a beam needs to fire at a fighter. The smaller the value, the earlier.
BeamHitFighterRangeLong() *Specifies the minimum distance at which beams can fire at enemy fighters.
BeamHitOddsInt() *Specifies the chance (percent) for a beam to hit its target.
BeamHitShipChargeInt() *Specifies the minimum energy a beam needs to fire at the enemy. The smaller the value, the earlier it can fire, but the less energy it has when firing.
BeamRechargeBonusInt() *Specifies how the beam technology reduces the beam recharge time. The higher the value, the faster.
BeamRechargeRateInt() *Specifies how fast beams recharge for the next blast. The higher the value, the faster.
BorgAssimilationRateIntSpecifies how fast the Borg assimilate natives. At 100%, each Cyborg clan assimilates one native clan per turn.
BuildQueueStringBuild queue operation mode
ClimateDeathRateIntSpecifies how fast colonists die due to overpopulation.
ClimateLimitsPopulationBoolIf enabled, a planet's climate affects how many colonists it supports.
CloakFailureRateIntSpecifies the odds that the cloak mission will fail due to technical malfunction.
CloakFuelBurnIntSpecifies how many fuel is needed to cloak a 100 kt ship.
ColonialFighterSweepRateInt(THost/PHost 2) The rate at which colonies sweep mines with fighters. Every fighter can destroy that many mines.
ColoniesBuildFightersBoolIf enabled, the Colonies can build fighters in space using the "Build Fighters" mission or the "lfm" friendly code.
ColonistTaxRateInt()Specifies the colonist tax income per turn. At 200%, colonists pay twice as normal.
CompensationAdjustInt #(FLAK:) Compensation adjust level. Compensation ratings are raised so that the average level is this value.
CompensationBeamScaleInt #(FLAK:) Compensation rating factor per beam weapon (multiplied by number of beam weapons).
CompensationFighterScaleInt #(FLAK:) Compensation rating factor per fighter bay (multiplied by number of bays).
CompensationLimitInt #(FLAK:) Maximum compensation rating for a single ship.
CompensationMass100KTScaleInt #(FLAK:) Compensation rating factor per 100 kt combat mass.
CompensationShipScaleInt #(FLAK:) Compensation rating factor, basis value per ship.
CompensationTorpScaleInt #(FLAK:) Compensation rating factor per torpedo launcher (multiplied by number of launchers).
CPEnableAlliesBool *If enabled, players can establish formal alliances using the "allies" command or PCC's alliance window.
CPEnableBigTargetsBool *Turns on/off the "bigtargets" command. With PCC, you need not care about this setting.
CPEnableEnemiesInt *Configures availability of the "enemies" command
CPEnableGiveBool *If enabled, you can give away ships and planets using the "give" command.
CPEnableLanguageBool *If enabled, players can change the language of messages they receive using the "language" command or PCC's appropriate menu item.
CPEnableRaceNameBool *Turns on/off the "racename" command. You can then use the appropriate item under "Host Interaction" to rename your race.
CPEnableRefitInt *Configures availability of the "refit" command. That command allows Federation players to request specific parts to be built into the ship instead of the best available ones.
CPEnableRemoteBool *Turns on/off starship remote control.
CPEnableRumorBool *Turns on/off the "rumour" command, and the "*w*" function to send anonymous messages.
CPEnableSendBool *If enabled, you can request files from PHost using the "send" command or the "Request" items on PCC's Host interaction menu.
CPEnableShowInt *Configures availability of the "show" command. That command transfers information about a unit to an allied race as if they had seen it.
CrewKillScalingInt() *The higher this value, the more crew is killed by weapons.
CrystalSinTempBehaviorInt *Affects the maximum population of Crystals. If disabled (default), the maximum population is proportional to the temperature. If enabled, it has "sinoid" behaviour.
CrystalsPreferDesertsBoolIf enabled, Crystals feel best on hot (100°F) planets. Otherwise, they like 50°F planets most, like anyone else.
DamageLevelForAntiCloakFailInt *Ships that reach this damage level can no longer de-cloak other ships.
DamageLevelForChunnelFailInt *Ships with more damage than this value can no longer initiate or receive a chunnel.
DamageLevelForCloakFailIntShips with more damage than this value can no longer cloak.
DamageLevelForHyperjumpFailInt *Ships that reach this damage level can no longer hyperjump.
DamageLevelForTerraformFailInt *Ships that reach this damage level can no longer terraform.
DarkSenseRangeIntSpecifies the range of the Imperial Dark Sense mission. The Dark Sense can only detect planets within this range.
DefenseForUndetectableInt *How many defense posts a planet needs to block enemy sensor sweeps (15 in THost)
DelayAllianceCommandsBool *If enabled, alliance commands will delayed in order to prevent backstabbing an ally. That is, if you drop an alliance, this change will get effective next turn, not this one.
DeleteOldMessagesBoolIf enabled, old messages from turns you missed will be deleted. Otherwise you'll get up to 100 of them in the next turn. PHost ignores this setting and always deletes old messages.
DisablePasswordsBoolIf activated, passwords will automatically be disabled. A password you set with PCC will only last for this one turn.
EModBayRechargeBonusInt() *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Modification to BayRechargeBonus
EModBayRechargeRateInt() *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Modification to BayRechargeRate
EModBeamHitBonusInt() *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Modification to BeamHitBonus
EModBeamHitFighterChargeInt() *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Modification to BeamHitFighterCharge (negative means bonus: fire earlier)
EModBeamHitOddsInt() *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Modification to BeamHitOdds
EModBeamRechargeBonusInt() *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Modification to BeamRechargeBonus
EModBeamRechargeRateInt() *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Modification to BeamRechargeRate
EModCrewKillScalingInt() *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Modification to CrewKillScaling (negative means bonus: less crew lost)
EModEngineShieldBonusRateInt() *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Experience-related Engine-Shield bonus
EModExtraFighterBaysInt() *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Modification to ExtraFighterBays
EModFighterBeamExplosiveInt() *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Modification to FighterBeamExplosive
EModFighterBeamKillInt() *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Modification to FighterBeamKill
EModFighterMovementSpeedInt() *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Modification to FighterMovementSpeed
EModHullDamageScalingInt() *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Modification to HullDamageScaling (negative means bonus: less damage to hull)
EModMaxFightersLaunchedInt() *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Modification to MaxFightersLaunched
EModPlanetaryTorpsPerTubeInt() *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Modification to PlanetaryTorpsPerTube.
EModShieldDamageScalingInt() *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Modification to ShieldDamageScaling (negative means bonus: less damage to shields)
EModShieldKillScalingInt() *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Modification to ShieldKillScaling (negative means bonus: less damage to shields)
EModStrikesPerFighterInt() *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Modification to StrikesPerFighter
EModTorpHitBonusInt() *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Modification to TorpHitBonus
EModTorpHitOddsInt() *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Modification to TorpHitOdds
EModTubeRechargeBonusInt() *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Modification to TubeRechargeBonus
EModTubeRechargeRateInt() *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Modification to TubeRechargeRate
EngineShieldBonusRateIntSpecifies how much good engines improve a ship's fighting ability. At 50%, a ship that has engines costing 300mc per engine will fight 50%*300mc=150kt stronger.
EPAcademyScaleInt() *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Experience bonus rate for Academy ships
EPCombatDamageScalingInt *Experience points awarded for damaging an equally-sized ship, pro-rated with actual damage inflicted.
EPCombatKillScalingInt *Experience points awarded for killing an equally-sized ship.
EPPlanetAgingInt *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Experience given to planets per turn
EPPlanetGovernmentInt *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Experience given to planets for good government
EPShipAgingInt *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Experience given to ships per turn
EPTrainingScaleInt() *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Determines the supply-to-experience conversion ratio for the Training mission.
ExactExperienceReportsBool *If enabled, exact experience point counts are reported instead of just the resulting levels.
ExperienceLevelNamesString(PHost 4.x Experience:) Names of experience levels
ExperienceLevelsInt() *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Experience points required per level
ExtMissionsStartAtInt *Specifies the mission code for the first extended mission. PCC can handle any value, though the default MISSION.CC only defines missions for a value of 20.
ExtraFighterBaysInt() *Specifies how many extra fighter bays a ship receives in battle. The Feds get three free bays by default.
FactoriesForDetectableInt *How many factories must be on a planet for enemy sensors to see it (16 in THost)
FighterBeamExplosiveInt() *Specifies the explosive (destructive) power of a fighter beam. See in the ship build screen, "beam weapons" tab, for values to compare.
FighterBeamKillInt() *Specifies the killing (anti-life) power of a fighter beam. See in the ship build screen, "beam weapons" tab, for values to compare.
FighterFiringRangeInt() *Specifies the minimum distance at which fighters can fire at the enemy.
FighterKillOddsInt() *Specifies the chance of a fighter intercept (i.e., a fighter kills an enemy fighter).
FighterMovementSpeedInt() *Specifies how fast fighters move in combat (meters per second).
FighterSweepRateInt() *Number of mines each fighter can sweep, for each player.
FireOnAttackFightersBool() *If enabled, ships will fire first on approaching (attacking) enemy fighters. Otherwise, they will simply fire at the closest fighter, even if that one is returning and thus "harmless".
FreeFighterCostCost() *Cost of the fighters automatically built on Empire starbases.
FreeFightersInt()Specifies how many free fighters each race gets per turn on a starbase.
FuelUsagePerFightFor100KTInt *Fixed fuel burn for a 100 kt ship per fight
FuelUsagePerTurnFor100KTInt *Fixed fuel burn for a 100 kt ship per turn
GameNameStringName of this game
GravityWellRangeInt *Radius of planetary gravity wells (3 in THost)
GroundDefenseFactorInt()Specifies for each race how many attacking enemy clans one clan will kill when being attacked in ground combat.
GroundKillFactorInt()Specifies for each race how many enemy clans one clan will kill when attacking in ground combat.
HissEffectRateIntSpecifies the effect (happiness increase) of one ship Hisssssing at a planet.
HullDamageScalingInt() *Scales shield damage up and down. The higher this value, the more damage do weapons to shields.
HullTechNotSlowedByMinesIntShips with a hull tech less than this value are slowed down by mine hits.
IonStormActivityIntSpecifies the maximum number of currently active ion storms. PHost does not implement ion storms.
IonStormsHideMinesBoolIf enabled, Ion storms can prevent you from seeing mine fields.
LokiDecloaksBirdBool(THost only) If enabled, Loki ships can de-cloak Bird Men. This is the default in Hosts before 3.22.022.
MapTruehullByPlayerRaceBool *Specifies how to interpret the `truehull.dat' file. The original client programs only support a setting of `no', which requires the Host to edit the `truehull.dat' file if the players play non-default races. PCC (and VPA) support also `yes' which allows use of an unmodified ship list.
MaxColTempSlopeInt *Affects the maximum population on extreme climate planets.
MaxFightersLaunchedInt() *Specifies the maximum number of fighters one opponent may have currently active in battle.
MaximumDefenseOnBaseInt() *Maximum number of defense posts allowed in base storage.
MaximumFightersOnBaseInt() *Maximum number of fighters allowed in base storage.
MaximumFleetSizeInt #(FLAK:) Maximum number of units in a fleet.
MaximumMineFieldRadiusIntSets the maximum radius a deep space mine field can have.
MaximumWebMinefieldRadiusInt *Sets the maximum radius a web mine field can have.
MaxPlanetaryIncomeLongSpecifies the maximum planetary tax income. If you'd get more money from taxes, everything above this limit will be lost.
MaxShipsHissingInt *Limits the number of ships concurrently Hisssssing at a planet.
MineDecayRateIntSpecifies how many mines are lost each turn due to natural decay, in percent.
MineHitDamageFor100KTInt *Damage for one mine hit taken by a 100 kt ship
MineHitOddsIntSpecifies the chance (in percent) of an un-cloaked ship to hit a mine, per light year travelled through the mine field.
MineHitOddsWhenCloakedX10IntSpecifies the chance of a cloaked ship to hit a mine, for each light year travelled through the mine field. In PHost, this value is specified in tenth of a percent, 20 means a 2% chance.
MineScanRangeIntSpecifies how far from a mine field you can see the field.
MinesForDetectableInt *How many mines must be on a planet for enemy sensors to see it (21 in THost)
MineSweepRangeIntSpecifies how close you must be to a mine field in order to destroy it (10 = 10 ly from the minefield edge or closer).
MineSweepRateIntSpecifies how many mines one Laser beam can sweep per turn. N beams destroy N times as much, and a type-X beam can destroy X² as many mines (e.g., Disruptors (type 6) destroy 36x).
MinimumChunnelDistanceInt *Defines the minimum distance of a chunnel.
NativeClimateDeathRateInt *Climate death rate for natives
NativeTaxRateInt() *Specifies for each race how many taxes they can collect from natives. At 200%, twice as much as normal is collected.
NumExperienceLevelsInt *(PHost 4.x Experience:) Number of experience levels
PALAggressorKillPointsPer10KTInt *Build points awarded for killing an enemy ship in combat while being aggressor
PALAggressorPointsPer10KTInt *Build points awarded for damaging an enemy ship in combat while being aggressor
PALCombatAggressorInt *Build points awarded for being aggressor in combat
PALDecayPerTurnInt() *PAL decay per turn, in percent
PALIncludesESBBool *If true, PAL computations include Engine Shield Bonus
PALOpponentKillPointsPer10KTInt *Build points awarded for killing an enemy ship in combat while defending
PALOpponentPointsPer10KTInt *Build points awarded for damaging an enemy ship in combat while defending
PALRecyclingPer10KTInt *Build points awarded for recycling ships
PBPCloneCostRateInt *Relative cost of a priority clone compared to an equivalent priority build (in percent)
PBPCostPer100KTInt *PBP cost for building a 100 KT ship
PBPMinimumCostInt *Minimum cost of a priority build
PlanetaryTorpsPerTubeInt *Specifies how many torpedoes a planetary torpedo tube has (if enabled).
PlanetsAttackKlingonsBoolIf enabled, planets can attack Faschist ships. By default, Faschists are immune to "ATT" and "NUK".
PlanetsAttackRebelsBoolIf enabled, planets can attack Rebel ships. By default, Rebels are immune to "ATT" and "NUK".
PlanetsHaveTubesBool() *If enabled, planets have torpedoes in addition to fighters and beams.
PlayerRaceInt() *Assigns each player a race to play. By default, the player number equals the race number, but it is also possible to have a "all-Feds" game, or such. Do not use this item in scripts, use `Players(X).Race.Id' instead: that will also work in SRace games.
PlayerSpecialMissionInt() *(PHost 4.x) Assigns each player a special mission. Defaults to the value of PlayerRace. Do not use this item in scripts, use `Players(X).Race.Mission' instead: that will also work in games which do not use this option.
ProductionRateInt() *Specifies how much factories produce on planets, for each race.
RaceGrowthRateInt() *Growth rate for colonists
RaceMiningRateInt()Specifies how effective each race can gather minerals from a planet's core. At 100%, one mine extracts one kt of a mineral with a density of 100%.
RaceTaxRateInt()Specifies the colonist tax income per turn. At 200%, colonists pay twice as normal. This is an alternative name for ColonistTaxRate.
RamscoopFuelPerLYIntSpecifies how much fuel the Cobol makes for each light year travelled.
RandomMeteorRateIntSpecifies the chance that one large meteor will hit a planet. With 50%, one meteor will appear every second turn.
RatingBayScaleInt #(FLAK:) Targeting rating factor for fighter bays (multiplied by number of bays).
RatingBeamScaleInt #(FLAK:) Targeting rating factor for beam weapons (multiplied by weapon count and type).
RatingFullAttackBonusInt #(FLAK:) Targeting bonus for fleets which have no immunities against a target.
RatingMassScaleInt #(FLAK:) Targeting rating factor for ship mass (multiplied by combat mass).
RatingPEBonusInt #(FLAK:) Targeting bonus for ships that match our primary enemy.
RatingRandomBonusInt #(FLAK:) Random targeting bonus.
RatingTorpScaleInt #(FLAK:) Targeting rating factor for torpedo launchers (multiplied by launcher count and type).
RebelsBuildFightersBoolIf enabled, Rebels can build fighters in space using the "lfm" friendly code.
RecycleRateIntSpecifies the amount of minerals recovered from hulls you scrap using the "Land & Disassemble" (Colonize) mission, in percent.
RobCloakedShipsBoolIf enabled, the Privateers can also rob cloaked ships.
RobFailureOddsIntSpecifies the chance that the Privateer Rob mission fails.
RobotsBuildFightersBoolIf enabled, Robots can build fighters in space using the "Build Fighters" mission or the "lfm" friendly code.
RoundGravityWellsBool *Whether gravity wells are round (on) or square (off).
ScanRangeIntSpecifies the range at which enemy ships can be seen in space.
SensorRangeIntSpecifies how far your scanners reach. Industry and life on planets outside this range can not be detected.
ShieldDamageScalingInt() *Scales shield damage up and down. The higher this value, the more damage do weapons to shields.
ShieldKillScalingInt() *(PHost 4:) This parameter determines whether and how a weapon's "Kill" value power damages enemy shields.
ShipCloneCostRateInt() *Specifies for each player how much cloning costs. High values effectively forbid cloning for the said player.
ShipFighterCostCost() *Cost of a fighter when built at a ship.
ShipMovementSpeedInt() *Specifies how fast ships move in combat (meters per second).
StandoffDistanceLong() *The opponents will not move closer than this distance.
StarbaseCostCost() *Cost of a starbase.
StartingDistancePerFleetLong #(FLAK:) Minimum distance between a player's fleets at the beginning of a fight.
StartingDistancePerPlayerLong #(FLAK:) Increment to starting distances for each player taking part in combat.
StartingDistancePlanetLong #(FLAK:) Starting distance from center for players who enter combat with a planet or starbase.
StartingDistanceShipLong #(FLAK:) Starting distance from center for players who enter combat with ships only.
StrikesPerFighterInt() *Specifies the number of shots each fighter will score before returning.
StructureDecayPerTurnIntSpecifies how many structures (mines, factories, defenses) decay each turn if you don't have enough colonists to support them.
TerraFormRateInt *Specifies how fast terraforming ships can change the planet climate. If set to 3, a ship will alter a planet's temperature by up to 3 degrees per turn.
TorpFiringRangeLong() *Torpedoes will not be used until the opponents are less than this number (specified in meters) apart.
TorpHitBonusInt() *Specifies how better torpedoes increase the hit ratio.
TorpHitOddsInt() *Specifies the chance (percent) for a torpedo to hit its target.
TowStrengthDistanceScaleInt *How much the movement distance affects your tow strength
TowStrengthEngineScaleInt *How much your engines affect your tow strength
TransuraniumDecayRateIntSpecifies how many new minerals appear in ground of every planet each turn due to trans-uranium element mutation.
TubeRechargeBonusInt() *Specifies how better torpedoes reduce the time needed to recharge a launcher. The larger this value, the faster.
TubeRechargeRateInt() *Specifies how fast torpedo launchers get ready for the next launch. The higher the value, the faster.
UnitsPerTorpRateInt() *Specifies for each race how many mine units they can make from a Mark 1 Torpedo. Normally, the Robots can make four times as many mines as others. Better torpedoes increase this quadratically, e.g., a Mark 4 (type 6) yields 36 times as many mine units as specified here.
UseAccurateFuelModelBool *Turns on/off the "accurate fuel model", an alternate formula for fuel consumption. PCC supports both settings.
UseBaseTorpsInCombatBool *When enabled, planets can use starbase torpedoes in combat.
WebHitDamageFor100KTInt *Damage for one web mine hit taken by a 100 kt ship
WebMineDecayRateIntSpecifies how many Web mines are lost each turn due to natural decay, in percent.
WebMineHitOddsIntSpecifies the chance (in percent) of a ship to hit a Web mine, per light year travelled through the mine field.
WebMineSweepRangeIntSpecifies how close you must be to a Web mine field in order to destroy it (0 = 0 ly from the minefield edge or closer = inside the field).
WebMineSweepRateIntSpecifies how many Web mines one Laser beam can sweep per turn. N beams destroy N times as much, and a type-X beam can destroy X² as many Web mines (e.g., Disruptors (type 6) destroy 36x).
WormholeUfosStartAtInt *Specifies the UFO Id for the first wormhole.
WraparoundRectangleInt() *Specifies the size of the map, if a wraparound (sphere) map is active. The second argument to `Cfg' is an integer between 1 and 4 here (west/south/east/north edge).
WrmDisplacementInt *Wormhole movement per turn. Each turn, a wormhole endpoint moves this distance in X and Y direction towards its waypoint, with random jitter from WrmRandDisplacement.
WrmEntryPowerX100Int *Specifies the power of a wormhole entry (affects the radius).
WrmRandDisplacementInt *This parameter modifies the wormhole movement. Wormholes move up to this many light-years more or less each turn.

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Stefan Reuther <>