Beam$ | Beam.Short | Beam |
1 | "Las" | "Laser" |
2 | "XRa" | "X-Ray Laser" |
3 | "Pla" | "Plasma Bolt" |
4 | "Bla" | "Blaster" |
5 | "Pos" | "Positron Beam" |
6 | "Dis" | "Disruptor" |
7 | "HBl" | "Heavy Blaster" |
8 | "Pha" | "Phaser" |
9 | "HDi" | "Heavy Disruptor" |
10 | "HPh" | "Heavy Phaser" |
The names can differ in alternative ship lists.
Temp | Temp$ range |
"arctic" | 0 .. 14 |
"cold" | 15 .. 39 |
"warm" | 40 .. 64 |
"tropical" | 65 .. 84 |
"desert" | 85 .. 100 |
Markers can have one of 30 colors (`NewMarker' etc.). This lists
the color names and, in parentheses, the closest X11 color name.
Color | Appearance |
0 | black (marker is invisible) |
1 | dark gray ("Gray38") |
2 | light gray ("Gray76") |
3 | light green ("PaleGreen3") |
4 | red |
5 | dark green ("PaleGreen4") |
6 | blue-gray ("SlateBlue3") |
7 | light blue-gray ("MediumPurple3") |
8 | dark blue-gray ("Gray42") |
9 | yellow |
10 | white |
11 | dark blue ("Blue4") |
12 | dark green ("Green4") |
13 | dark turquoise ("LightSeaGreen") |
14 | dark red ("Red4") |
15 | dark magenta ("Magenta4") |
16 | dark gold ("Gold3") |
17 | dark brown ("Orange4") |
18 | dark rose ("PaleVioletRed3") |
19 | dark orange ("DarkOrange1") |
20 | dark violet ("HotPink4") |
21 | light blue ("RoyalBlue2") |
22 | light green ("SeaGreen2") |
23 | light turquoise ("Turquoise") |
24 | light red ("Tomato") |
25 | light magenta ("MediumOrchid1") |
26 | light gold ("Khaki2") |
27 | light brown ("DarkOrange3") |
28 | light rose ("LightCoral") |
29 | light orange ("DarkGoldenrod1") |
30 | light violet ("MediumOrchid2") |
When PCC runs in 16 colors, only colors 0..10 are available. If you
assign a color outside this range, the marker is displayed in white.
The color is, however, stored correctly and the marker is shown in
the intended color when PCC switches to 256 color mode.
Natives.Gov$ | Natives.Gov |
0 | "none" |
1 | "Anarchy" |
2 | "Pre-Tribal" |
3 | "Early-Tribal" |
4 | "Tribal" |
5 | "Feudal" |
6 | "Monarchy" |
7 | "Representative" |
8 | "Participatory" |
9 | "Unity" |
xxx.Happy | xxx.Happy$ range |
"happy" | 90 .. 100 |
"calm" | 70 .. 89 |
"unhappy" | 50 .. 69 |
"very angry" | 40 .. 49 |
"rioting" | 20 .. 39 |
"fighting" | -300 .. 20 |
xxx.Change | xxx.Change$ |
"They HATE you!" | less than -5 |
"They are angry at you" | -5 .. -1 |
"They are undecided about you" | 0 |
"They like your leadership" | 1 .. 4 |
"They LOVE you" | 5 or more |
Special Ship Hull Capabilities |
The property `Hull.Special' / `Hull(x).Special' contains a string
made up of the following letters, which encode the special properties
of the hull:
"A" | Alchemy |
"B" | Bioscanner |
"C" | Cloaking Device |
"G" | Gravitonic Accelerators |
"H" | Hyperdrive |
To check whether a ship has a special property, use the "Instr()"
Instr(Hull.Special, "C")
returns true (non-zero) if the ship can cloak.
The following values are valid parameters to the `HasFunction'
property of starships. You can use either the name or the number.
Number | Name | Info |
0 | "Alchemy" | Alchemy |
1 | "Refinery" | Refinery |
2 | "AdvancedRefinery" | Advanced Refinery (no supplies used) |
3 | "HeatsTo50" | Terraforming device |
4 | "CoolsTo50" | Terraforming device |
5 | "HeatsTo100" | Terraforming device |
6 | "Hyperdrive" | Hyperdrive |
7 | "Gravitonic" | Gravitonic Accelerators |
8 | "ScansAllWormholes" | Wormhole scanner |
9 | "Gambling" | Gambling |
10 | "AntiCloak" | Anti-Cloak |
11 | "ImperialAssault" | Imperial Assault |
12 | "Chunneling" | Chunnel |
13 | "Ramscoop" | Ramscoop |
14 | "FullBioscan" | Advanced bioscanner |
15 | "AdvancedCloak" | Advanced cloaking (no fuel usage) |
16 | "Cloak" | Cloaking |
17 | "Bioscan" | Bioscanner |
18 | "GloryDeviceLowDamage" | Advanced glory device |
19 | "GloryDeviceHighDamage" | Basic glory device |
20 | "Unclonable" | Ship cannot be cloned |
21 | "CloneOnce" | Ship can be cloned once |
22 | "Ungiveable" | Ship cannot be traded |
23 | "GiveOnce" | Ship can be traded once |
24 | "Level2Tow" | Stronger tractor beam |
25 | "Tow" | Tractor beam |
26 | "ChunnelSelf" | Lesser chunnel device |
27 | "ChunnelOthers" | Lesser chunnel device |
28 | "ChunnelTarget" | Lesser chunnel device |
29 | "PlanetImmunity" | Immune to attacking planets |
30 | "OreCondenser" | Terraforming device |
31 | "Boarding" | Ship can board other ships |
32 | "AntiCloakImmunity" | Immune to Anti-Cloak |
33 | "Academy" | Crew education center |
34 | "Repairs" | Can repair other ships in space |
35 | "FullWeaponry" | Weapons functional even if damaged |
36 | "HardenedEngines" | Engines functional even if damaged |
37 | "Commander" | Helps other ships in combat |
38 | "IonShield" | Immune to ion storms |
39 | "HardenedCloak" | Cloaks even if damaged |
40 | "AdvancedAntiCloak" | Anti-Cloak, even immune ships |
The industry level gives an approximation of how much industry a
planet has (mines plus factories). When exploring, you get the
industry level but not the exact structure count.
PCC uses the PHost industry levels. Note that the original Host
may use a different table, so it may report a planet with a different
level than PCC.
Industry$ | Industry | Mines + Factories |
0 | "Minimal" | 0 to 29 |
1 | "Light" | 30 to 59 |
2 | "Moderate" | 60 to 89 |
3 | "Substantial" | 90 to 119 |
4 | "Heavy" | 120 to 149 |
5 | "Heavy" | more than 150 |
"Heavy" appears twice due to a glitch in PHost's UTILx.DAT file format.
That glitch is fixed in the most recent PHost versions, and only the
value 4 meaning "more than 120" is used.
Natives.Race$ | Natives.Race |
0 | "none" |
1 | "Humanoid" |
2 | "Bovinoid" |
3 | "Reptilian" |
4 | "Avian" |
5 | "Amorphous" |
6 | "Insectoid" |
7 | "Amphibian" |
8 | "Ghipsoldal" |
9 | "Siliconoid" |
Mission$ | Mission |
0 | "none" |
1 | "Refuel Ships" |
2 | "Maximize Defense" |
3 | "Load Torpedoes onto ships" |
4 | "Unload incoming ships" |
5 | "Repair Base" |
6 | "Force surrender" |
Torp$ | Torp.Short | Torp |
1 | "Mk1" | "Mark 1 Photon" |
2 | "Pro" | "Proton Torpedo" |
3 | "Mk2" | "Mark 2 Photon" |
4 | "Gam" | "Gamma Bomb" |
5 | "Mk3" | "Mark 3 Photon" |
6 | "Mk4" | "Mark 4 Photon" |
7 | "Mk5" | "Mark 5 Photon" |
8 | "Mk6" | "Mark 6 Photon" |
9 | "Mk7" | "Mark 7 Photon" |
10 | "Mk8" | "Mark 8 Photon" |
The names can differ in alternative ship lists.
If a ship has fighters instead of torpedoes, the `Aux' variable
yields "Fighters", the `Aux.Short' variable "Ftr".
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Stefan Reuther <>