Key Combinations

Key combinations, as used with the `Bind' command, are just strings containing the key label, optionally prefixed by a modifier key. For example,

 "f1"          % the [F1] key
 "ctrl-a"      % [Ctrl-A]
 "c-a"         % ditto

Other modifiers are "Alt-" resp. "A-" and "Shift-" resp. "S-". Note that alphabetic keys are case insensitive in PCC 1.x, so it's neither useful nor allowed to bind things like "shift-a".

In PCC 1.x, not all possible combinations are allowed, because the DOS keyboard driver does not recognize all combinations. The following table lists all possibilities. If in doubt, try it; as a general rule, almost anything goes with "Alt-" and "Ctrl-". PCC2 has no such limits.

"f1" .. "f12"alone, or with Ctrl/Shift/Alt;
"home", "end"alone, or with Ctrl/Alt;
"ins", "del"alone, or with Ctrl/Alt;
"pgup", "pgdn"alone, or with Ctrl/Alt;
"up", "down", "left", "right"alone, or with Ctrl/Alt;
"tab"alone, or with Ctrl/Shift/Alt;
the numbers "0" to "9"alone, or with Alt or Ctrl+Alt;
the letters "a" to "z"alone, or with Ctrl/Alt;
the characters "',-.,;=[\]`"alone, or with Alt. Note that when used with Alt, these refer to the English keyboard layout;
"bs"/"backspace"alone, or with Ctrl/Alt;
"esc"alone, or with Alt;
"ret"/"enter"alone, or with Ctrl/Alt;
"spc"/"space", "num5"alone, or with Ctrl;
"numret"/"lfd"with Alt (the [Enter] key on the numeric keypad);
"num*", "num+", "num-", "num/"with Ctrl/Alt (operators on the numeric keypad);
"wheelup", "wheeldn"alone (mouse wheel movement).

All other single-character keystrokes can also be bound, and will not be further mangled by PCC (e.g., you can bind "@": English users will then use [Shift-2] to access that command, while German users have to use [AltGr-Q]).

In addition, there are the specialties "ctrl-2", "ctrl-alt--", "ctrl-spc" resp. "ctrl-space", "num5", "ctrl-num5", and "ctrl-print".

Note that "ctrl-g" can not be defined; it is the `refresh screen' command at all times. Programmers, beware: "ctrl-i" is not the same as "tab" (likewise for "ctrl-h" and "ctrl-m").

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Stefan Reuther <>