Marker Properties

You can iterate through markers and other drawings using the `ForEach Marker' statement. You can read its properties; certain properties can also be assigned-to.

Markers/drawings can be created using the PCC starchart, or with the `NewMarker' command and its relatives. If some property can't be changed the way you wish, simply delete the marker and create it anew.

Scripts inside marker context can't suspend (using `Stop'). Markers do not have a unique handle, so PCC would not know where to wake them up again.


Color of the drawing (1..30). This value can be assigned to.

See also: Colors


Markers: info text. This value can be assigned to.

End.X, End.Y

Lines/Rectangles: position of the "other end" of the drawing on the map.


Turn of expiration for this marker, as set when it was created. Can be assigned to.

Loc.X, Loc.Y

Position of the drawing on the map. For circles, the center. For rectangles and lines: one endpoint.


Circles: Radius of the circle (1..5000). Can be assigned to. For other shapes, this value is EMPTY.


Markers: symbol. Shapes are numbered like in the marker dialog, starting with 0 ("+") to 7 ("cactus"). Can be assigned to.


The `tag' value associated with the drawing when it was created (see `NewMarker' and friends). Items created by PCC have negative numbers. Users can assign tags when painting (see "Tagging Paintings" in PCC help). Can be assigned to.


Type of the drawing. One of "Line", "Rectangle", "Circle" or "Marker".


Type of the drawing.


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Stefan Reuther <>