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Legal Information
All software and documentation in this distribution is copyrighted and must only be distributed in accordance with the terms below. The software and documentation are NOT in the public domain but remain the property of the program authors. All users of this software are given a license to reasonably use this software subject to the conditions below. If you do not agree to abide by the below-mentioned terms, then you do not have the right to use and/or distribute this software and documentation.
Permission is granted to include this distribution as part of a compilation,
including but not limited to a CD-ROM compilation, as long as this distribution
is included in its entirety and without modification. As a courtesy, notification
of inclusion in a compilation should be sent to the PHOST Support
List <support@phost.de>.
The software and documentation in this distribution may be used at no charge and may be distributed freely but must always be distributed unmodified and as a unit with all files present, including this file. The documentation files only (the files with the HTM extension) may be distributed separately from the software and may be freely copied or excerpted as long as proper attribution is given and the file(s) is/are not modified. The software and documentation may be modified for personal use but no modified files may be distributed under any circumstances. All copies of the software and documentation must be distributed at no cost, monetary or otherwise, except for a reasonable fee to cover the cost of physical media (if the copies are distributed on physical media) which may not exceed US$3.00 (three US dollars) in value (at current exchange rates, if applicable) per copy. If this distribution is included as part of a compilation, including but not limited to a CD-ROM compilation, then no cost, service charge, fee, or other form of required payment is allowed for including this distribution over and above the cost of the compilation itself.
At all times, the receiver and/or end user of this distribution, regardless of whether this distribution is a stand-alone distribution or a part of a compilation, must remain aware that the distribution may be obtained electronically and at no cost from various sources on the Internet. As long as this distribution remains intact and unmodified, the above requirement is considered to be met.
The software and documentation in this distribution are provided "as is" without express or implied warranty including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will the authors of this software be liable for direct, incidental or consequential damages of any kind, even if the authors have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
The documentation in this distribution is Copyright ©1995-1997 by Andrew Sterian. The software in this distribution is Copyright ©1995-1997 by the program authors: Andrew Sterian, Thomas Voigt, Steffen Pietsch and Matt Mueller. All Rights Reserved. The PHOST logo and graphic file LOGO.GIF are Copyright ©1996-1997 by John W. Smith.